Daniel's window (Daniel chapter 6).
Daniel was cast into the lion's den, because he was caught praying toward Jerusalem, after King Darius had prohibited prayers to anyone but himself.
"When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously."
This is a fascinating passage because, among other things, it is the first mention that the exiles prayed toward Jerusalem, and that they prayed three times a day. However …
What is fascinating to me is how Daniel's life became an open book, because of his open window.
My apartment faces the street and my dog likes to gaze at the street. Consequently, my shades are almost always open. Often, I sit at my computer or television (or both) in that same room. Sometimes (often) I am doing those secular things at the hour of prayer or on Shabbat or one of the sacred days. B'farhesya -בְּפַרְהֶסְיָא - out in the open. I wonder if I am scandalizing my traditionally observant neighbors by doing so.
No one has ever asked me to explain or to justify my actions. Hypocrisy and pretense are among the worst sins. Whether my actions are ultimately praiseworthy or deplorable, I want them to be my own actions based on my convictions and values.
So, those who pass by my window and notice me not behaving as Daniel would may draw their own conclusions. I respect my neighbors, and even Shabbat and Festivals in my own way - as an expression of the culture from which I draw nourishment.